-Studies have shown that antioxidant nutrient supplementation, especial vitamins C, E and A, zinc and chromium, can be used to attenuate the negative effects of environmental stress.
-Previous reports have revealed a beneficial effect of vitamin C supplementation on growth rate, egg production, egg shell strength and thickness in stressed laying hens and broiler.
-Folic acid supplementation may also be useful for poultry under high stress condition.
-In addition,folic acid deficiency reduces serum tocopherol concentration and impairs homocysteine catabolism by decreasing cystathionine synthesis and inhibiting homocysteine remethylation.
-In addition,folic acid deficiency reduces serum tocopherol concentration and impairs homocysteine catabolism by decreasing cystathionine synthesis and inhibiting homocysteine remethylation.
-Folic acid is required in the methylation of homocysteine to form methionine and in the biosynthesis of amino acids and deoxynucleotides needed for DNA replication and repair.
-High homocysteine levels have also been associated with increased oxidative stress.
-Vitamin C appears to have a role on the utilization and perhaps absorption of folic acid.
-Combinations of antioxidant vitamins and minerals generally show greater antioxidant activity than that of each compound alone .