Relative Humidity—Birds are very sensitive to extremes of relative humidity. It is common to see young flocks in floor houses with relative humidity dropping below 30%. This will
cause increased agitation of the chicks and can cause aggressive behavior. Excessive moisture may cause poor litter conditions. Wet litter will be associated with high ammonia levels, poor air quality and enteric diseases. This must be avoided to prevent respiratory problems. Ideally, relative humidity should be in the 40-60% range.
cause increased agitation of the chicks and can cause aggressive behavior. Excessive moisture may cause poor litter conditions. Wet litter will be associated with high ammonia levels, poor air quality and enteric diseases. This must be avoided to prevent respiratory problems. Ideally, relative humidity should be in the 40-60% range.
Socialization—It is important to socialize the birds to humans by walking through the chicks daily. It is recommended the birds be walked at two hour intervals. This would give the birds time to relax and settle between walkings. Brighten the house and walk briskly through the house to improve the process of