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วันพุธที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Aromas and flavours advantages for the animal

To enhance and improve the smell and taste of feedstuff:
To make the unusual and solid feed attractive to young mammals, for an easier changeover from milk to solid feed
to motivate suckling animals for an early intake of solid feed (pre-starter, starter), which prepares the digestive system (adaptation of enzyme activity and of intestinal flora) for the later stage of weaning, thus helping to reduce the general stress at this period of life
nto enhance the appetite

securing and improving the feed intake for optimal growth
nto stimulate salivary gland secretion
more saliva production for easier swallowing of feed rich in dry matter, consequently increased bile and digestive enzyme production

Advantages for the Feed Producer

To standardise the feed during changes of recipes and variation of raw material qualities
to give flexibility in feed optimisation without compromising feed intake
nto cover less palatable feed additives or feed components (e.g. acids, certain fats, rapeseed, pharmaceuticals )
to ensure feed and medicine intake
nas a marketing tool in the feed industry
differentiation against competitor products, improvement of smelling attractiveness also for the farmer

1 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. Danish pig farmers ready for implementing ban on sow stalls
    The Danish pig industry is confident that it will be ready for implementation of the EU ban on use of traditional stalls for keeping sows during pregnancy. The ban will take effect from January 2013, following a transitional period of 12 years.

    The results of a survey conducted in June this year indicated that nearly 70% of producers already keep pregnant sows in group systems, which is in line with the requirements of the EU legislation due in 2013.

    This result is based on responses from around 700 producers, representing over a third of the total number of sows kept in Denmark.

    Of those who have not yet converted, around a half already have secured the necessary environmental approval or have already submitted an application. Of the remainder who intend to remain in pig production, all have indicated that they will make the necessary application in the near future.

    Around 6% of those responding said they do intend to stop production before 2013, but this reduction is likely to be more than offset by those farmers who plan to increase their sow numbers prior to 2013.

    In recent months, it has been reported that a number of EU pig producer groups have made representations to the EU Commission for a ‘derogation’ to continue the use of traditional stalls for pregnant sows beyond the original deadline. Danish pig producers have welcomed reassurances from the EU Commission that they have no intention of extending the deadline beyond January 2013.


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